We don’t like it that hackers mess with the online presence of hardworking businesses and organisations. But, it is a reality that cannot be ignored.
This is why we offer comprehensive security contracts for every one of the websites we make.
Our security contracts are designed to keep your website as secure as possible from hackers and other online threats.

Here’s what you need to know
- Our websites are developed with a Content Management System (CMS), which controls all of the parts of your website.
- We have security experts, who monitor your website, and ensure your CMS is updated with the latest critical security measures.
- These matter, because hackers constantly find new ways to break into websites. Staying ahead of them means updating your CMS so they can’t find a way in.
- This is so important to us that we have created a Security Team dedicated to making sure the websites we make are secure.
- While no website can be made 100% secure (this is unfortunately impossible), you’ll be backed by experts who minimise the risk greatly.
- This high level of security applies to every website we make, no matter what software we use.
Is security expensive?
Not having professionals take care of your website security is a big risk – for your brand, and the performance of your site.
The price of our security services will depend on the software we have used to develop your website.
If you have a website for your business, professional security will make it much harder for hackers to succeed, and you’ll help to protect your business from harm or embarrassment.
For the fine print, including all costs and details, please talk to us.